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  1. Anaïs Halin, Benoît Gérin, Anthony Cioppa, Maxim Henry, Bernard Ghanem, Benoît Macq, Christophe De Vleeschouwer, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Driving Agents in Dynamic Environments DADE dataset, 2023. Keyword(s): Dataset, Driving, Learning. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Sébastien Piérard, Anthony Cioppa, Anaïs Halin, Renaud Vandeghen, Maxime Zanella, Benoît Macq, Saïd Mahmoudi, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Pushing AI out of the lab with on-the-fly mixture domain adaptation. The European AI week, March 2023. Keyword(s): Domain adaptation, Articial intelligence, Semantic segmentation, Autonomous cars, ARIAC. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Anthony Cioppa, Silvio Giancola, Adrien Deliège, Bernard Ghanem, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Goal! A practical guide to soccer video understanding. Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Society Symposium, Tutorial, May 2022. Keyword(s): SoccerNet, Dataset, Challennge, Soccer, Football, Classification, Annotation, Deep learning, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Marc Van Droogenbroeck, Marc Braham, and Sébastien Piérard. Foreground and background detection method. Chinese Patent Office, CN 109389618 B2, 18 pages, March 2022. Keyword(s): Background subtraction, Semantic segmentation, Patent, Machine learning, Deep learning, Artificial intelligence. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Anthony Cioppa, Adrien Deliège, Silvio Giancola, Meisam Seikavandi, Jacob Dueholm, Kamal Nasrollahi, Bernard Ghanem, Thomas Moeslund, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. SoccerNet challenge: Task presentation and winner announcement. Oral communication, June 2021. Keyword(s): SoccerNet, Dataset, Challennge, Soccer, Football, Classification, Annotation, Deep learning, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, DeepSport. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Renaud Vandeghen. Semi-supervised learning for object detection in satellite images. Master's thesis, University of Liège, Belgium, June 2020. Keyword(s): Satellite imaging, Semi-supervised, Self training, Detection, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Deep learning. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Marc Van Droogenbroeck, Marc Braham, and Anthony Cioppa. Foreground and background detection method. United States Patent and Trademark Office, US 10,706,558 B2, 26 pages, July 2020. Keyword(s): Background subtraction, Semantic segmentation, Patent, Machine learning, Deep learning, Artificial intelligence, DeepSport. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Marc Van Droogenbroeck, Marc Braham, and Sébastien Piérard. Foreground and background detection method. United States Patent and Trademark Office, US 10614736 B2, 16 pages, April 2020. Keyword(s): Background subtraction, Semantic segmentation, Patent, Machine learning, Deep learning, Artificial intelligence. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Marc Van Droogenbroeck, Marc Braham, and Sébastien Piérard. Foreground and background detection method. European Patent Office, EP 3438929 B2, July 2020. Keyword(s): Background subtraction, Semantic segmentation, Patent, Machine learning, Deep learning, Artificial intelligence. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Marc Van Droogenbroeck, Marc Braham, and Sébastien Piérard. Foreground and background detection method. Chinese Patent Office, CN109389618A, February 2019. Keyword(s): Background subtraction, Semantic segmentation, Patent, Machine learning, Deep learning, Artificial intelligence. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Marc Van Droogenbroeck, Adrien Deliège, and Anthony Cioppa. Image classification using neural networks. World Intellectual Property Organization, WO 2019/238976, 55 pages, December 2019. Keyword(s): Patent, Machine learning, Deep learning, Artificial intelligence, HitNet, Capsule, Data augmentation, DeepSport. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Marc Van Droogenbroeck, Adrien Deliège, and Anthony Cioppa. Image classification using neural networks. European Patent Office, EP 3 582 142 A1, 32 pages, June 2018. Keyword(s): Patent, Machine learning, Deep learning, Artificial intelligence, HitNet, Capsule, Data augmentation, DeepSport. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Quand les ondes électromagétiques vous informent. Journée d'études organisée par la Société libre d'Émulation, Liège, Belgium, 25 pages, November 2015. Keyword(s): Lecture notes. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Samir Azrour. Caractérisation des troubles de la marche par apprentissage automatique : détermination de scores adaptés à la sclérose en plaques à partir de données clinimétriques. Master's thesis, University of Liège, Belgium, June 2013. Keyword(s): TFE, GAIMS. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Sébastien Piérard, Antoine Lejeune, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Recognition of emotions in facial images. Internal report, March 2012. Keyword(s): Face, Facial image, Emotion, Classification. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. La détection de mouvement dans une vidéo: histoire d'une technologie et d'un brevet. Oral presentation, 23 pages, Liège Creative, Liège, Belgium, May 2012. Keyword(s): ViBe, Background, Background subtraction, Inpainting, Deblur, Motion, Motion detection. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Antoine Lejeune, Marc Van Droogenbroeck, and Jacques Verly. The secrets of the Kinect ... in depth!. Presentation at the Conference of Professional Forum (3D Stereo Media), Liège, Belgium, December 2011. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Étude relative à la définition d'une nouvelle architecture pour l'évolution du simulateur de tirs: rapport final. Rapport final d'un projet de recherche, 26 pages, Mars 2011. Keyword(s): Vision, Real-time, Architecture. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Marc Van Droogenbroeck and Olivier Barnich. Visual Background Extractor. United States Patent and Trademark Office, US 8,009,918 B2, 18 pages, August 2011. Keyword(s): ViBe, Background, Background subtraction, Video analysis, Segmentation, Motion detection, Patent. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Marc Van Droogenbroeck and Olivier Barnich. Visual background extractor. Japan Patent Office, JP 2011 4699564 B2, June 2011. Keyword(s): ViBe, Background, Background subtraction, Video analysis, Segmentation, Motion detection, Patent. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Introduction to Mathematical: Morphology Overview and trends. Oral presentation, 42 pages, Liège, Belgium, December 2010. Keyword(s): Mathematical morphology, Review, Trends. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Marc Van Droogenbroeck and Olivier Barnich. Visual background extractor. European Patent Office, EP 2 015 252 B1, 36 pages, 2010. Keyword(s): ViBe, Background, Background subtraction, Video analysis, Segmentation, Motion detection, Patent. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Olivier Barnich and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Classification of scenarios for persons crossing a door frame based on the joint measurements of two radial distance sensors. Final report of a research project, 42 pages, October 2009. Keyword(s): Laser, Range, Classification, Virtual curtain. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Marc Van Droogenbroeck and Olivier Barnich. Visual background extractor. World Intellectual Property Organization, WO 2009/007198, 47 pages, January 2009. Keyword(s): ViBe, Background, Background subtraction, Video analysis, Segmentation, Motion detection, Video-surveillance. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Marc Van Droogenbroeck and Vincent Pierlot. Les dispositifs de mesure optique sur la rampe d'impact. Présentation à l'occasion de l'inauguration de la rampe d'impact, 10 pages, September 2009. Keyword(s): Fast camera, Motion, Slow motion, Fast acquisition, Capture, Video, Crash test. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Sébastien Piérard. Génération automatique d'une base de données de silhouettes humaines au moyen d'un avatar humain tridimensionnel. Master's thesis, University of Liège, Belgium, 2007. Keyword(s): Infographie, Silhouette, Avatar, TFE. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Projet CINEMA: communications immersives pour la narration étendue par les mélanges audiovisuels. Rapport scientifique et technique final, 51 pages, August 2007. Keyword(s): Video, Auralization. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Renaud Dardenne and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. libmorpho: a library for mathematical morphology. Software written in ANSI C, GNU GPL License, 2006. Keyword(s): Mathematical morphology, Erosion, Dilation, Opening, Closing, Arbitrary shaped structuring element, Structuring element, Algorithm. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Principes de base du réseau GSM et des transmissions GPRS. Oral presentation, 19 pages, Technifutur, Liège, Belgium, October 2006. Keyword(s): GSM, GPRS. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Renaud Dardenne. Interaction homme-machine en temps réel par traitement d'images vidéos. Master's thesis, University of Liège, Belgium, 2005. Keyword(s): Human-Computer Interface, Interaction. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. La notion de point d'ancrage: théorie et utilisation pour le développement de nouveaux algorithmes. Oral presentation, 45 pages, Center of Mathematical Morphology, Fontainebleau, France, September 2005. Keyword(s): Mathematical morphology, Anchor, Opening, Algorithm, Fast. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Olivier Barnich. Détection de personnes et de visages dans une séquence vidéo. Master's thesis, University of Liège, Belgium, 2004. Keyword(s): Segmentation, Tracking. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Guido Debruyne and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Faut-il chasser les marchands du temple?. Solvay Business Journal, number 62, pages 29-30, Avril 2004. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Renaud Dardenne. Codage et segmentation d'images sur base d'une prédiction par extrapolation. Master's thesis, University of Liège, Belgium, 2003. Keyword(s): Extrapolation, Segmentation, DCT, Prediction, TFE. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Cédric Demoulin. Implémentation d'un annulateur d'écho acoustique par DSP. Master's thesis, University of Liège, Belgium, 2003. Keyword(s): TFE. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Brief technical note on ``Entropy as a measure for uncertainty''. Technical note, 3 pages, 2003. Keyword(s): Entropy, Shannon, Bit, Information. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Fabian Lapierre and Jacques Verly. The range-dependance problem of clutter spectrum for non-sidelooking monostatic STAP radars. 21st Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, oral presentation, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, March 2002. Keyword(s): Radar, STAP. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Algorithms for mathematical morphology. Oral presentation, ESIEE, Paris, France, November 2002. Keyword(s): Mathematical morphology, Algorithm, Review, Opening. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Selective encryption of uncompressed and compressed images. Oral presentation, 46 pages, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, November 2002. Keyword(s): Selective encryption, Encryption, Compression, Watermarking, Information. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Marc Van Droogenbroeck and Jean-Marc Wagner. Bluetooth: technologie et potentiel industriel. Final report, 42 pages, 2002. Keyword(s): Bluetooth, Protocol, Layer, Security, Telecommunications. [bibtex-entry]

  5. Benoit Vanderheyden and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Étude de la paradiaphonie (NEXT) au sein de câbles composés de paires torsadées. Rapport d'études, 37 pages, November 2002. Keyword(s): NEXT, Crosstalk, Model, Line model, Transmission, ADSL, VDSL, Cable. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. JPEG 2000. Oral presentation, 25 pages, Bruxelles, Belgium, January 2001. Keyword(s): JPEG, JPEG2000, Compression. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. La télévision numérique aujourd'hui et demain. Oral presentation, 128 pages, Bruxelles, Belgium, January 2001. Keyword(s): Digital television, Compression, MPEG, Color, Transmission. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Le futur des télécommunications. Oral presentation, 23 pages, Liège, Belgium, October 2001. Keyword(s): Telecommunications, GSM, Internet, Web. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Étude relative au plan de fréquences en Communauté Française de Belgique. Rapport final d'études, 138 pages, étude réalisée pour compte du Conseil Supérieur de l'Audio-Visuel, March 1999. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Connection-oriented vs. connectionless communications. ACTS Convair project, Slides of an oral presentation, 12 pages, October 1997. [bibtex-entry]

  1. L. Bouchard, J. Cassas, F. Meyer, C. Oddou, L. Torres, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Coding of inside. Deliverable D7 of Race Project Morpheco R2053, 51 pages, December 1993. Keyword(s): Coding, Texture, Deconvolution, Selective deconvolution, Extrapolation, Periodic texture. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Philippe Salembier, J. Casas, A. Gasull, F. Marqués, A. Oliveras, M. Pardàs, L. Torres, Beatriz Marcotegui, Fernand Meyer, Jean Serra, Marc Van Droogenbroeck, P. Brigger, C. Gu, Murat Kunt, Lionel Bouchard, Christophe Oddou, and A. Sirat. Morphological segmentation-based coding of image sequences. COST 211 ter European workshop on new techniques for coding of video signals at very low bitrates, Hannover, Germany, December 1993. Keyword(s): Morphological video coding. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Morphologie à seuillage: application au lissage des formes. Internal report N-31/93/MM, 34 pages, School of Mines of Paris, Center of Mathematical Morphology, March 1993. Keyword(s): Mathematical morphology, Fuzzy morphology, Filtering, Shape, Contour, Polymorphism. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Shape coding with an optimized morphological region description. Technical report, COST 211 bis, Simulation Subgroup, Ankara, February 1992. Keyword(s): Shape, Coding, Mathematical morphology. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Marc Van Droogenbroeck and Pierre Lemaire. Results in contour-texture coding. Technical report, 3 pages, COST 211 bis, SIM/90/147, Oslo, October 1990. Keyword(s): Contour, Texture, Coding. [bibtex-entry]



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Last modified: Sat Apr 13 11:05:17 2024