int erosion_arbitrary_SF int16_t imageIn,
int16_t imageOut,
int  imageWidth,
int  imageHeight,
uint8_t sf,
int  sfWidth,
int  sfHeight,
int  sfHorizontalOrigin,
int  sfVerticalOrigin

Erosion by an arbitrary structuring function.

[in] *imageIn Input buffer
[out] *imageOut Output buffer
[in] imageWidth Width of the image buffer
[in] imageHeight Height of the image buffer
[in] *sf Buffer containing the shape of a structuring function.
[in] sfWidth Width of the stucturing function buffer
[in] sfHeight Height of the stucturing function buffer
[in] sfHorizontalOrigin Horizontal position of the origin in the structuring function (position 0 is the first pixel on the left). sf[sfHorizontalOrigin, sfVerticalOrigin] must be !=0.
[in] sfVerticalOrigin Vertical position of the origin in the structuring function (position 0 is the first pixel on the top). sf[sfHorizontalOrigin, sfVerticalOrigin] must be !=0.
Returns MORPHO_SUCCESS upon success, MORPHO_ERROR otherwise.
Erosion by an arbitrary structuring function. For full technical details please refer to Technical details or to
  • M. Van Droogenbroeck and H. Talbot. Fast Computation of morphological operations with arbitrary structuring elements. Pattern Recognition Letters, 17(14):1451-1460, 1996.

All pixels of the input image should => -255 and <= 510: -255 <= imageIn[.] <= 510. To avoid any computation overhead the function does not check that the input image is compliant to this rule.
Marc Van Droogenbroeck

Telecommunications and Imaging Laboratory - Institut Montefiore - Université de Liège