libvibe++ : a generic C++ library for the ViBe algorithm
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 ViBe_8UC1.cppUsing ViBe with OpenCV (monochromatic [=single channel] version)
 ViBe_8UC3.cppUsing ViBe with OpenCV for color images
 ViBeBase.cppConstructor, seters and geters
 ViBeBase.hInterface to the ViBe class
 Manhattan.hDistance function for computing the Euclidean distance between the pixel and samples of the model
 ViBe.hInterface for the libvibe++ library
 ViBe.tTemplate-based C++ implementation of the ViBe algorithm


This code is copyrighted by the University of Liège, Belgium. 
It is only shared for research purposes. Please do not distribute it. 
B. Laugraud and M. Van Droogenbroeck, May 2016.