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Publications about 'Sport'
  1. Anthony Cioppa. Real-time semantics in video sequences. PhD thesis, University of Liège, Belgium, December 2020. Keyword(s): Sport, Soccer, Football, Machine learning, Deep learning, Semantics, Video understanding, Real-time, Semantic segmentation, Action spotting, Dataset, Background subtraction, Online distillation, SoccerNet, DeepSport. [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles
  1. Yassine Benzakour, Bruno Cabado, Silvio Giancola, Anthony Cioppa, Bernard Ghanem, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. OSL-ActionSpotting: A Unified Library for Action Spotting in Sports Videos. In IEEE International Workshop on Sport Technology and Research (STAR), Lecco, Italy, pages 132-137, July 2024. Keyword(s): Video undestanding, Action spotting, Sports analytics, Python library, Benchmark, Algorithm. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Antoine Deckyvere, Anthony Cioppa, Silvio Giancola, Bernard Ghanem, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Investigating Event-Based Cameras for Video Frame Interpolation in Sports. In IEEE International Workshop on Sport Technology and Research (STAR), Lecco, Italy, pages 138-143, July 2024. Keyword(s): Event-based camera, Slowr motion, Video frame interpolation, Video understanding, Sports analysis. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Arnaud Leduc, Anthony Cioppa, Silvio Giancola, Bernard Ghanem, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. SoccerNet-Depth: a Scalable Dataset for Monocular Depth Estimation in Sports Videos. In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), CVsports, volume 12, Seattle, Washington, USA, pages 3280-3282, June 2024. Keyword(s): Soccer, SoccerNet, Football, Depth estimation, Volley-ball, Synthetic data, Dataset. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Floriane Magera, Thomas Hoyoux, Olivier Barnich, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. A Universal Protocol to Benchmark Camera Calibration for Sports. In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), CVsports, Seattle, Washington, USA, pages 3335-3346, June 2024. ieee. Keyword(s): Sports, Soccer, Camera calibration, Benchmarking, SoccerNet. [bibtex-entry]

  5. Anthony Cioppa, Adrien Deliège, Maxime Istasse, Christophe De Vleeschouwer, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. ARTHuS: Adaptive Real-Time Human Segmentation in Sports through Online Distillation. In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), CVsports, Long Beach, California, USA, pages 2505-2514, June 2019. Note: Best CVsports paper award. Keyword(s): Soccer, Semantic segmentation, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Deep learning, CNN, DeepSport, Best paper award. [bibtex-entry]



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Last modified: Mon Oct 7 12:10:37 2024