int dilationByAnchor_1D_horizontal uint8_t imageIn,
uint8_t imageOut,
int  imageWidth,
int  imageHeight,
int  size

Dilation with an horizontal linear segment.

[in] *imageIn Input buffer
[out] *imageOut Output buffer
[in] imageWidth Width of the image buffer
[in] imageHeight Height of the image buffer
[in] size (= width in tems of pixels) of the linear structuring element
Returns MORPHO_SUCCESS upon success, MORPHO_ERROR otherwise.
Dilation with an horizontal linear segment whose size is given in pixels. For full technical details please refer to Technical details or to
  • M. Van Droogenbroeck and M. Buckley. Morphological erosions and openings: fast algorithms based on anchors. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Special Issue on Mathematical Morphology after 40 Years, 22(2-3):121-142, May 2005.

Marc Van Droogenbroeck

Telecommunications and Imaging Laboratory - Institut Montefiore - Université de Liège