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Publications of year 2011
Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. Olivier Barnich and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. ViBe: A universal background subtraction algorithm for video sequences. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 20(6):1709-1724, June 2011. Keyword(s): ViBe, Background, Background subtraction, Segmentation, Motion, Motion detection, Software, Source code.
    title = {{ViBe}: A universal background subtraction algorithm for video sequences},
    author = {Barnich, Olivier and {Van Droogenbroeck}, Marc},
    journal = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
    volume = {20},
    number = {6},
    pages = {1709-1724},
    month = {June},
    year = {2011},
    keywords = {ViBe, Background, Background subtraction, Segmentation, Motion, Motion detection, Software, Source code},
    pdf = {http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/bitstream/2268/145853/1/Barnich2011ViBe.pdf},
    doi = {10.1109/TIP.2010.2101613},
    url = {http://www.telecom.ulg.ac.be/research/vibe} 

Conference articles
  1. Antoine Lejeune, Sébastien Piérard, Marc Van Droogenbroeck, and Jacques Verly. A new jump edge detection method for 3D cameras. In International Conference on 3D Imaging (IC3D), Liège, Belgium, pages 1-7, December 2011. Keyword(s): 3D, Depth, Range, Distance, ToF camera, Edge, Edge detection, Canny, Kinect.
    author = {Lejeune, Antoine and Pi{\'e}rard, S\'ebastien and Van Droogenbroeck, Marc and Verly, Jacques},
    title = {A new jump edge detection method for {3D} cameras},
    year = {2011},
    pages = {1-7},
    month = {December},
    address = {Li{\`e}ge, Belgium},
    booktitle = {International Conference on 3D Imaging (IC3D)},
    keywords = {3D, Depth, Range, Distance, ToF camera, Edge, Edge detection, Canny, Kinect},
    doi = {10.1109/IC3D.2011.6584393},
    pdf = {http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/bitstream/2268/103459/1/Lejeune2011ANewJump.pdf},
    url = {http://www.telecom.ulg.ac.be/publi/publications/lejeune/Lejeune2011ANewJump/index.html} 

  2. Vincent Pierlot, Maxime Urbin-Choffray, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. A new three object triangulation algorithm based on the power center of three circles. In Research and Education in Robotics (EUROBOT), volume 161 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, pages 248-262, 2011. Springer. Keyword(s): Positioning, Ultrasonic sensor, Sensor, Microcontroller, Mobile robot, Robot, Robot sensing system, Software.
    title = {A new three object triangulation algorithm based on the power center of three circles},
    author = {Pierlot, Vincent and Urbin-Choffray, Maxime and Van Droogenbroeck, Marc},
    booktitle = {Research and Education in Robotics (EUROBOT)},
    series = {Communications in Computer and Information Science},
    volume = {161},
    pages = {248-262},
    publisher = {Springer},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-21975-7_22},
    year = {2011},
    pdf = {http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/bitstream/2268/89435/1/Pierlot2011ANewThreeObject.pdf},
    keywords = {Positioning, Ultrasonic sensor, Sensor, Microcontroller, Mobile robot, Robot, Robot sensing system, Software},
    url = {http://www.telecom.ulg.ac.be/publi/publications/pierlot/Pierlot2011ANewThreeObject/index.html} 

  3. Vincent Pierlot and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Analysis of a robot positioning system based on a rotating receiver, beacons, and coded signals. In Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Barcelona, Spain, pages 1766-1770, August 2011. Keyword(s): Robot, Positioning, Beacon, BeAMS.
    title = {Analysis of a robot positioning system based on a rotating receiver, beacons, and coded signals},
    author = {Pierlot, Vincent and {Van Droogenbroeck}, Marc},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)},
    pages = {1766-1770},
    month = {August},
    year = {2011},
    address = {Barcelona, Spain},
    pdf = {http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/bitstream/2268/91558/1/Pierlot2011Analysis.pdf},
    keywords = {Robot, Positioning, Beacon, BeAMS},
    url = {http://hdl.handle.net/2268/91558} 

  4. Sébastien Piérard, Antoine Lejeune, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck. A probabilistic pixel-based approach to detect humans in video streams. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Prague, Czech Republic, pages 921-924, May 2011. Keyword(s): Human, Detection, Silhouette, Background subtraction.
    title = {A probabilistic pixel-based approach to detect humans in video streams},
    author = {Pi\'erard, S\'ebastien and Lejeune, Antoine and {Van Droogenbroeck}, Marc},
    year = {2011},
    pages = {921-924},
    keywords = {Human, Detection, Silhouette, Background subtraction},
    booktitle = {International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
    month = {May},
    address = {Prague, Czech Republic},
    doi = {10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5946555},
    pdf = {http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/bitstream/2268/88198/1/Pierard2011AProbabilistic.pdf},
    url = {http://hdl.handle.net/2268/88198} 

  5. Sébastien Piérard, Damien Leroy, Jean-François Hansen, and Marc Van Droogenbroeck, Marc. Estimation of human orientation in images captured with a range camera. In Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS), volume 6915 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 519-530, 2011. Springer. Keyword(s): Human, Orientation, Depth, Range camera, Machine learning, MakeHuman.
    title = {Estimation of human orientation in images captured with a range camera},
    author = {Pi\'erard, S\'ebastien and Leroy, Damien and Hansen, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and Van Droogenbroeck, Marc, Marc},
    booktitle = {Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS)},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    volume = {6915},
    pages = {519-530},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2011},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-23687-7_47},
    keyword = {Human, Orientation, Depth, Range camera, Machine learning, MakeHuman},
    pdf = {http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/retrieve/105893/155845/Pierard2011Estimation.pdf},
    url = {http://hdl.handle.net/2268/91403} 

  6. S. Piérard, Marc Van Droogenbroeck, Rémy Phan-Ba, and Shibeshih Mitiku Belachew. A new low-cost and non-intrusive feet tracker. In Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (ProRISC), Veldhoven, The Netherlands, November 2011. Keyword(s): GAIMS, Human, Feet, Walking, Laser, Measure, Path, Range laser, Multiple Sclerosis.
    title = {A new low-cost and non-intrusive feet tracker},
    author = {S. Pi\'erard and Van Droogenbroeck, Marc and Phan-Ba, R\'emy and Belachew, Shibeshih Mitiku},
    booktitle = {Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (ProRISC)},
    year = {2011},
    month = {November},
    address = {Veldhoven, The Netherlands},
    keywords = {GAIMS, Human, Feet, Walking, Laser, Measure, Path, Range laser, Multiple Sclerosis},
    url = {http://hdl.handle.net/2268/101296},
    pdf = {http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/bitstream/2268/101296/1/Pierard2011ANewLostCost.pdf} 

  7. Marc Van Droogenbroeck and Sébastien Piérard. Object descriptors based on a list of rectangles: method and algorithm. In International Symposium on Mathematical Morhology (ISMM), volume 6671 of Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Ispra, Italy, pages 155-165, 2011. Springer. Keyword(s): Algorithm, Rectangle, Opening, Mathematical morphology, Source code.
    title = {Object descriptors based on a list of rectangles: method and algorithm},
    author = {{Van Droogenbroeck}, Marc and Pi\'erard, S\'ebastien},
    booktitle = {International Symposium on Mathematical Morhology (ISMM)},
    series = {Lecture Notes on Computer Science},
    publisher = {Springer},
    volume = {6671},
    pages = {155-165},
    year = {2011},
    address = {Ispra, Italy},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-21569-8_14},
    pdf = {http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/bitstream/2268/23634/1/Vandroogenbroeck2011Object.pdf},
    url = {http://www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~pierard/rectangles/},
    keywords = {Algorithm, Rectangle, Opening, Mathematical morphology, Source code} 

  1. Antoine Lejeune, Marc Van Droogenbroeck, and Jacques Verly. The secrets of the Kinect ... in depth!. Presentation at the Conference of Professional Forum (3D Stereo Media), Liège, Belgium, December 2011.
    title = {The secrets of the Kinect ... in depth!},
    author = {Lejeune, Antoine and Van Droogenbroeck, Marc and Verly, Jacques},
    howpublished = {Presentation at the Conference of Professional Forum (3D Stereo Media), Li{\`e}ge, Belgium},
    month = {December},
    year = {2011},
    key = {Kinect, Microsoft, Software, Motion capture, Pose recovery, OpenCV},
    pdf = {http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/bitstream/2268/104993/1/Lejeune2011TheSecrets.pdf},
    url = {http://hdl.handle.net/2268/104993} 

  2. Marc Van Droogenbroeck. Étude relative à la définition d'une nouvelle architecture pour l'évolution du simulateur de tirs: rapport final. Rapport final d'un projet de recherche, 26 pages, Mars 2011. Keyword(s): Vision, Real-time, Architecture.
    title = {{\'E}tude relative {\`a} la d{\'e}finition d'une nouvelle architecture pour l'{\'e}volution du simulateur de tirs: rapport final},
    author = {{Van Droogenbroeck}, Marc},
    howpublished = {Rapport final d'un projet de recherche, 26 pages},
    month = {Mars},
    year = {2011},
    keywords = {Vision, Real-time, Architecture},
    pdf = {http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/bitstream/2268/109037/2/Vandroogenbroeck2011Etude-presentation-2011-03-16-frontpage.pdf},
    url = {http://hdl.handle.net/2268/109037} 

  3. Marc Van Droogenbroeck and Olivier Barnich. Visual Background Extractor. United States Patent and Trademark Office, US 8,009,918 B2, 18 pages, August 2011. Keyword(s): ViBe, Background, Background subtraction, Video analysis, Segmentation, Motion detection, Patent.
    title = {Visual Background Extractor},
    author = {{Van Droogenbroeck}, Marc and Barnich, Olivier},
    month = {August},
    year = {2011},
    howpublished = {United States Patent and Trademark Office, US 8,009,918 B2, 18 pages},
    pdf = {http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/bitstream/2268/98750/1/Vandroogenbroeck2011Visual.pdf},
    url = {http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/handle/2268/98750},
    keywords = {ViBe, Background, Background subtraction, Video analysis, Segmentation, Motion detection, Patent} 

  4. Marc Van Droogenbroeck and Olivier Barnich. Visual background extractor. Japan Patent Office, JP 2011 4699564 B2, June 2011. Keyword(s): ViBe, Background, Background subtraction, Video analysis, Segmentation, Motion detection, Patent.
    title = {Visual background extractor},
    author = {{Van Droogenbroeck}, Marc and Barnich, Olivier},
    month = {June},
    year = {2011},
    howpublished = {Japan Patent Office, JP 2011 4699564 B2},
    pdf = {http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/bitstream/2268/98791/1/JP2010532898A.pdf},
    url = {http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/handle/2268/98791},
    keywords = {ViBe, Background, Background subtraction, Video analysis, Segmentation, Motion detection, Patent} 



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Last modified: Mon Oct 7 12:10:37 2024